Booking and Cancellation Policy
To confirm booking we request a deposit of 25% of the total for a booking of 4 nights and more (for stays up to 3 nights the deposit is 100%).
In case of cancellation up to 8 days before check-in this deposit is nonrefundable, but will be held in credit for 1 year from booking date.
In case of cancellation from 7 or less days before check-in or no-show, the deposit is forfeit.
This deposit may be made via bank draft or utilizing the supplied card.
In case of cancellation up to 8 days before check-in this deposit is nonrefundable, but will be held in credit for 1 year from booking date.
In case of cancellation from 7 or less days before check-in or no-show, the deposit is forfeit.
This deposit may be made via bank draft or utilizing the supplied card.